DiSC-OURSE: DiSC® personality tool
7 September 2022 2025-03-02 22:35DiSC-OURSE: DiSC® personality tool

DiSC® personality tool
The most fun your team will have learning about their personalities with DiSC personality tool!
We help you to create a productive, happy and engaging workplace.
We train empathy through psychometrics!
DiSC-OURSE* is a programme using the Everything DiSC® psychometric tool.
What makes us different is that we deliver it to your team through fun and interactive team building activities and real life examples.
*DiSC-OURSE is powered by The Training Establishment Pty Ltd

What is DiSC-OURSE?
Imagine this: You work in an office with 13, 130 or 1300 people. All different levels and experience, and personalities. Some of them get on with it, others get along with everyone except for…Chester. There he is, in the corner, where he always is, by himself. He’s not particularly good friends with anyone, and when anyone does try to include Chester, he’s awkward and comes across as a killjoy. So what do you do? You stop inviting Chester to Friday morning coffee, or to anything, for that matter.
Any idea of what this behaviour does to the bottom line? You’re right, it has a huge impact and not in the way you’d like.
We know exactly what that is all about. So we bring the Everything DiSC® model to you and deliver it in a way that is fun, engaging, entertaining and relatable. We usually combine it with a team building element like an escape room, treasure hunt or a painting class etc. all while learning about your DiSC Profile and how to get the best out of others.
If you’re short on time, we can do an “Evening with Dumplings and DiSC.” Whether it’s during or after hours, in a warehouse, a treasure hunt or a commercial kitchen; our curated workshops run from 3 hours to 2 days and take you to a new level of learning. We’ll help everyone realise why Chester is an important team member and should be embraced for who he is, not why he’s different.
Our DiSC personality test is the key to personal and professional communications success!
Our track record spans over 30 years in sales, customer service, building great teams and next-generation leaders. Because of this, we’ve developed ready-made training programmes that teams from different industries have benefit from.
We specialise in Hospitality, Travel & Tourism industries offering training in sales, customer management & the entire Everything DiSC suite of profiles.
Why should I use the DiSC model?
Everything DiSC® offers a suite of personal development learning experiences that measure an individual’s preferences and tendencies based on the DiSC model.
This simple yet powerful model describes four basic styles: D, i, S, and C, and serves as the foundation for the Everything DiSC® Application Suite. Participants receive personalised insights that deepen their understanding of self and others, making workplace interactions more enjoyable and effective. The result is a more engaged and collaborative workforce that can spark meaningful culture improvement in your organisation.
The Assessment:
Powered by 40+ years of research, each Everything DiSC® personality assessment combines adaptive testing and sophisticated algorithms to deliver precise insights to each participant. These insights lay the groundwork for a personalised experience rich with “aha!” moments that inspire behaviour change.
The Profile:
The personalised content in the profile deepens self-understanding through the DiSC model. People gain insight into their own preferences and tendencies, learn more about relating to others, and receive actionable strategies to help them improve their interactions and ultimately, their performance.

Everything DiSC® is a personal and professional development learning experience. Participants receive personalised insights that deepen their understanding for themselves and others, making workplace interactions more enjoyable and effective.

The Everything DiSC® model
DiSC® (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, Conscientiousness)
Unlock the potential of your people and the power of your culture with the Everything DiSC profile personality testing suite. Each distinct Everything DiSC profile is designed to help participants better understand themselves AND others. Whether improving working relationships, strengthening management skills, elevating leadership impact, or tackling conflict with a new mindset, Everything DiSC profiles deliver insights and strategies to meet the unique needs of your people and your organisational culture.
Start your employees on a learning journey that will lead them through the suite of DiSC profiles as they progress through their careers.

Why do DiSC-OURSE?
We ignite fun and support the learning!
Humans absorb what they like, so we make sure to entertain as well as edify. We have a RE-DiSC-ULOUS sense of humour, as you will see by our team building activities. But we say: the funnier the learning, the more memorable the lesson! And the ROI we’ve had on our programmes have been outstanding. One tourism industry client does DiSC with us each year to keep the team motivated, engaged and strong! What a testament to our programmes!!
Maximise Working Relationships
Build Effective Leaders
Learn Productive Conflict Resolution
Know Your Customers
DiSC-OURSE helps with improving communication, cohesiveness and productivity with a sprinkle of fun!
Reviews of DiSC-OURSE
We’ve delivered DiSC over 200 times, so that means we know how to bring this amazing tool into the workplace with real-life situations and your team will have a relatable learning experience with immediate applications! Here are some of our participants’ reviews:

Our DiSC ® Facilitators
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