Business Etiquette


These days there are many more people going for the one job, you know you’re the best person for the job and brushing up on your #Interview #Etiquette will help you to stand a part from your competition.

  1. Be prepared for any question from the panel or Interviewer they will no doubt be asking you behavioural interview questions, or they may give you a list of questions 10 minutes before. If there has been a set of questions that you’ve had to answer as part of the application process, those questions will be related to those topics. Be ready to answer questions about hypotheticals, past experiences or ways you would change how it was done for a better outcome.
  2. Use names and don’t be afraid to ask their roles, this way when you’re answering certain questions, you can direct part of your answer to a relevant interviewer.
  3. Keep your answers brief, and articulate well, don’t waffle and don’t make up your answer. Are the interviewers looking for a great communicator for the job too?
  4. Dress for the job you want, not the one you have or are interviewing for. Make a statement with what you’re wearing and show them you’re aspirations.
  5. What is your USP (Unique Selling Point) what will set you lying for the job, work out what your #USP is, what makes you stand out from everyone else going for the role.
  6. Hard copies – be prepared before they ask for it, have a hard copy of everyone you wish to hand over during the interview and always take along a number of printed CV’s or resume with you when you go for your interview.
  7. When being asked a #behavioural #question, take time to pause, think well & articulate well.
  8. In the Corporate World, regardless of the job you’re interviewing for today, business attire is imperative.
  9. Always have a great question about the job or company to ask at the end of the interview.
  10. Shine and reshine your shoes before your interview. Check & re-check your finished product. Be proud of who you are and your personal brand.
  11. Arrive in good time, don’t let yourself be late or strike problems before the interview, it will allow you to be calm and in control during the interview.
  12. Ladies always wear daytime, simple makeup. Let your natural beauty shine through.
  13. When in doubt, call the business prior to your interview to ask if there are grooming requirements!